Spear Phishing

Posted on October 23 2022

What is Spear Phishing?

Spear Phishing is a targeted cyberattack on individuals or groups within an organization to obtain their confidential information for fraudulent activities.

Spear phishing attacks are messages typically personalized based on public information the attacker has found on the recipient. This can include topics surrounding the recipient’s expertise, role in the organization, interests, public and residential tax information, and any information attackers can glean from social networks. These specific details make the email appear more legitimate and increase the chances of the recipient clicking links or downloading attachments.

How Spear Phishing Works

Hackers pose as a trusted source to convince the victims to divulge confidential data, personal information or other sensitive details and they use it for criminal activities like identity theft, data breaches which may cause financial loss and bad reputation.

A typical spear phishing attack includes an email and an attachment. The email includes information specific to the target, including the target's name and position within the company. This social engineering tactic boosts the chances that the victim will carry out all the actions necessary for infection, including opening the email and the included attachment or clicking a link.

Examples of Spear Phishing

How Email defence Can Help

Emaildefence offers an integrated email security solution that blocks spear phishing and many other email-based attacks. Instead of simple blacklists, Emaildefence solution uses heuristics and behavior patterns to detect potential threats and block them from reaching their intended recipient.

Not only does Emaildefence block phishing attacks, but our professionals offer security awareness training to reduce insider threat risks. Automated incident response reduces the timeframe to contain threats, and our adaptive security isolates email messages and potential threats after automatically analyzing risky user behavior.