Phish Defence

Email communication is essential for any business, and it is more vulnerable for phishing attacks.

What is phishing?

Phishing is a social engineering security theft where the attackers imitate the influence of any influential personality that can be in your surroundings and alter the human psychology. It includes misdirection, forgery, etc. This motivates the users to follow the instructions of acting upon the mail which is infested with a virus or any other possible threat.

Email phishing

Email phishing means the persona imitation or influence activity in the emails to get the receiver to act upon the mail.


Spear Phishing

Url Phishing



Brand Impersonation

Domain Impersonation

Account Takeover


FBI Reports

Email Remains #1 Threat

The FBI warned the public that the BEC/EAC scheme has evolved— from spoofing or hacking the email accounts of C-levels, requesting wire payments to be sent to fraudulent locations, to compromising vendor emails and sending fraudulent requests for large amounts of gift cards.

Artificial Intelligence

AI Based Email Security

  • We are building the foundation of the next generation of email security, leveraging AI and cloud infrastructure to stop the most advanced socially-engineered attacks. s
  • we use AI and ML to separate the wheat from the chaff.
  • As we fight malicious emails, AI and ML are at the heart of our system to examine emails, separating what is legitimate from what isn’t.
  • The goal isn’t only to analyze technical aspects, but also the behavior and the intent of an email.
  • We use advanced ML techniques, such as deep neural networks, logistic regression, and BERT, in the analysis of millions of emails to continue developing to the maximum the potential and the intelligence of our system.

How EmailDefence prevents email threats?

Email Defence is the service that protects the employees from phishing attacks, spam emails, encrypting the emails, and making sure your personal information is not leaked through emails.