Email DLP

Email is the number one threat vector for inbound threats. It is also a critical threat vector for outbound data loss. With EmailDefence, you can increase control of your sensitive data.

Email DLP

An Email Data Loss Prevention Software

Email is the most critical risk vector for inbound threats. It’s also a critical threat vector for outbound data loss. Secureforme Email Data Loss Prevention (DLP) mitigates the risk of data breach via email. And it satisfies compliance with our 80+ built-in policies. It gives you out-of-the-box visibility and enforcement without the complexity and cost of disparate solutions

According to the 2021 Verizon DBIR, 85% of breaches involve the human element. Whether it’s social engineering meant to alter human behaviour, misdelivered information, or making humans an active (albeit unintentional) participant in the attack, the human layer has emerged as the most vulnerable part of the organization.

Email DLP helps prevent sensitive data loss by mitigating the risk of human error (a common factor in email usage), malicious data loss exfiltration, and attackers using targeted email attacks to exfiltrate sensitive user and organizational-specific data.

What’s at Risk?

mail data loss happens when people send confidential or sensitive data, including personal information via email - either unknowingly or maliciously - or through email attacks with the goal to exfiltrate sensitive data. This data can expose both customers and employees alike. Basically, it’s all the information you want to keep out of the wrong hands, not only for security and privacy purposes, but also to avoid potential legal, financial, and reputational penalties.

Indicators of Email Data Loss

Whether malicious or accidental, email data loss can have dire consequences. Here are five common indicators that your data might have been exposed.

Unusual Mail Rules

Is an employee auto-forwarding business mails to their personal email address? Sending company emails to personal accounts can be a red flag.

Suspicious Download Activity

Has an employee who rarely downloads documents suddenly downloaded a dozen in the last hour? Be on the lookout for activities that don’t fit the pattern of normal behaviour.

Suspicious/Anomalous Email Activity

Has an employee been sending a large number of emails in the middle of the night or sending sensitive data to a contact they have never emailed before. Unusual behaviour can be a sign of sensitive or confidential data loss.

Wrong Recipients

Speed kills. Replacing an “i” with an “o” in the recipient’s email address means someone just sent your company’s financial report to a stranger — or a competitor.

Confidential Data Leaks

Trust is earned, not automatically given. It’s possible that an employee could share a confidential spreadsheet containing customer data with an unapproved third-party analyst — either accidentally or on purpose.

Why Is DLP Important?

The cost of a data breach averages $4.25 million per incident, but the long-term damage to the brand name can affect future revenue for years. Businesses fall victim to cyber-attacks every 11 seconds, and for this reason DLP solutions are more important than ever. It’s difficult for administrators to defend the environment from numerous risks, so DLP solutions detect potential attacks and other anomalies. The DLP solution that you choose will work along with strategies to reduce risk. Risk can never be reduced by 100%, so DLP solutions detect sophisticated attacks that bypass your cybersecurity defenses. They also keep your environment compliant so that the organization avoids hefty fines for regulation violations.