Technology Partner

Associate with us to tap into the endless potential of building safe email and data communications.

EmailDefence Partner Program

EmailDefence works with many other leading technology companies to deliver unique integrations and solutions that solve our growing customers’ needs. Global customers trust EmailDefence to safeguard their employees, data, and applications from a wide range of threats. The EmailDefence Partner program formally connects EmailDefence with other technology providers and is geared towards developers who build specialized and complementary solutions to extend EmailDefence offerings. The Partner program creates a formal framework for how we at EmailDefence will support our partners to facilitate technology integration and to develop, promote and support enhanced joint product solutions.

Benefits to Help Our Partners Succeed

MSP Technology Partners

EmailDefence works with many of the best MSP-oriented technology companies to deliver unique integrations and solutions that solve problems for our MSP partners.  


Partner Growth Program

Partner Portal


Sales Tools

Marketing & Campaigns



Products Distribute

We work with a range of partners to distribute our products.

We support distributors who wish to incorporate EmailDefence products into their own portfolio. Examples include web hosting companies and business software distributors.

We also offer support for resellers who wish to bundle EmailDefence tools with their own services. Typical partners include web developers who offer ongoing web support and network security firms.

Please email us at to explore how we could work with your business for mutual benefit.

Benefits to Help Our Partners Succeed

  • Profitable Margins
  • Renewal Partner First
  • Dedicated Partner Manager
  • Dedicated Customer Success Managers
  • Full End-to-End Sales Support
  • Deal Registration
  • Partner Enablement Training
  • Easy-to-Use Partner Portal
  • Sales Enablement Collateral